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January's Books

The first two books have dropped (cue air horns)! Januarys books have been decided, there’s no going back now 😬 So stay tuned for my review at the end of the month.

The books I've chosen are:

(You can click the links to purchase these books if you'd like to read along with me.)

Although this post doesn’t include any reviews, I would like to take the opportunity to list some honourable mentions - books I’ve read recently pre-blog days.

This tragic biography of a North Korean defector lifts the lid on what really goes on in this secretive state. "Out of the frying pan and into the fire" summarises this retelling of Yeonmi Park’s escape; it will shock you. By the end of the book you will come to appreciate the character and will of this inspiring young lady.

In addition check out Jordan B Peterson’s interview with Yeonmi on the podcast link below to see how things aren’t all that different in the so-called “evolved west”.

A really entertaining science fiction story about a woman dissatisfied with her life who gets the opportunity to try out various different alternate lives. Could she have been happier having made different choices? Extremely well-written and a good lesson on contentment.

READ THIS BOOK. It will make you laugh, it will make you cry. This heart-warming memoir from Tom Mitchell tells the story of Juan Salvador Pinguino, a penguin from South America rescued by Tom himself who touched the lives of all those he met. Whether it’s the hilarity from the account of smuggling Juan Salvador across South American borders, the touching account of how he helped a shy young boy, or the friendship between Juan Salvador and Tom, you won’t be able to put this book down. Heart-warming doesn’t even begin to describe it.

In addition, if you download it as an audiobook you benefit from the excellent narration by Bill Nighy.

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One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time. - Carl Sagan

Note this post contains Amazon affiliate links.

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Vanessa Fisci
Vanessa Fisci
05 gen 2022

I’ve read all of your honourable mentions and I have to say I agree with you 100%! I absolutely loved all three, although I have a special place in my heart for the penguin lessons. I will be sure to check out your January picks too - I’m guessing we have quite similar taste in books :-)

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